Ultimate Activity Staff

Activity Staff Training

Activity Staff Training


The Ultimate Training Programme is a three-part programme:

  1. Online Competency Assessment:
    Staff complete introductory short courses online. These are accessed as part of your onboarding process through your Candidate Portal.
  2. Central Training & Assessment:
    Staff attend face-to-face training before they join Ultimate, if they have not attended before, or if they have attended before but have not worked in the last 2 years . Read on for more information. Staff are paid to attend Central Training & Assessment events.
  3. Camp Induction Day:
    Staff attend a short introductory setup day at their specific camp location to get themselves and the camp ready for the season ahead. This is a paid day and staff attend every season. Click HERE  for more information.

All staff must attend Central Training and Assessment before they begin work if they have not attended training specific to their role in the last 2 years. 


All staff will attend a day of Instructor Training in the lead-up to their season.

Where and When will Training Take Place?

UAC Instructor Easter 2025 - New Staff Online Q & A

Our operations team will host an online Q&A, if you have any questions about how camp works. 

Date: TBC
Time: TBC 
Location: Online via Google Meet

UAC Instructor Easter 2025

Date: Saturday 29th March 
Time: 0900 - 1700
Location:  St Gabriels School, Sandleford Priory Newbury Berkshire RG20 9BD

UAC Instructor Summer 2025

Date: Saturday 28th June
Time: 0900 - 1700
Location:  St Gabriels School, Sandleford Priory Newbury Berkshire RG20 9BD

UAC Instructor Summer 2025 - London Training

Date: Saturday 5th July
Time:  0900 - 1700 
Location: Manor House School, Little Bookham, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT23 4EN

Further Info

What to do/bring?

COMPLETE YOUR ONLINE COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT: If you have not already done so. This is accessed through your Candidate Portal.

PASSPORT and any other form of ID required for DBS checks or to prove your right to work in the UK

MOST RECENT DBS if you haven't already provided it! 

RELEVANT CERTIFICATES such as Childcare, teaching, first aid, lifeguarding, safeguarding etc. 


LUNCH Lunch break will be 30 minutes and there are not shops nearby. Bring enough food to see you through a busy day!

A POSITIVE ATTITUDE This is your chance to shine and make a name for yourself at UAC. You will be assessed throughout the day by the Operations Team

What will I be doing?

The day is action packed! A mixture of workshops, activities and presentations, the day is designed to give you all the skills you need to be an Ultimate Staff Member. 

Activities on the day will include: 

Sports and/or Arts Specific training

Early Years and Ofsted

Archery and Combat Archery



Pedal Karts and Roller Racers

Behaviour, Welfare & risk Assessing 


Who will be there?

The Operations Team will be on hand to help and answer all your queries. It is also a great opportunity to meet potential colleagues and those working at sites nationwide!

Need to contact us on the day?

If you need to reach us over the training weekend, or during camp, there are many ways you can do so:



Duty Mobile: 07834513111



Email: work@ultimateacivity.co.uk



(Weekdays: 9am - 5pm out of season. 8am - 6pm whilst camp is running)

Office Number: 01865582949

What if I can no longer attend?

If you can no longer attend your chosen training day, you can request to move to an alternative date. Please email work@ultimateactivity.co.uk


Can’t attend any date? You must contact your Recruitment Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss on 01865582949 or work@ultimateactivity.co.uk to see if alternative arrangements can be made but please note that failure to attend any required training could jeopardise your employment.


Staff appointed in Senior roles (Camp Managers, Early Years Managers, Senior Activity Instructors (Roaming), and Senior Site Coordinators) must attend a day of manager training IN ADDITION to Instructor training (see above for details)

Where and When will Training Take Place:

Senior Staff Training EASTER 2025 - All Programmes

REMEMBER: The following training day is in addition to an Instructor Day as listed above if you have not worked with us in the last two years.

Date: Sunday 30th March 
Time: 0900 - 1600
Location: St Gabriels School, Sandleford Priory, Newbury, RG20 9BD

Accommodation: Accommodation is available for Managers traveling exceptional distances for training who are attending the full weekend event, with Instructor training on the Saturday. The accommodation provided will be a shared (same sex) twin room, with single beds.

Senior Staff Training Summer 2025 - All Programmes

REMEMBER: The following training day is in addition to an Instructor Day as listed above if you have not worked with us in the last two years.

Date: Sunday 29th June 
Time: 0900 - 1600
Location: St Gabriels School, Sandleford Priory, Newbury, RG20 9BD

Accommodation: Accommodation is available for Managers traveling exceptional distances for training who are attending the full weekend event, with Instructor training on the Saturday. The accommodation provided will be a shared (same sex) twin room, with single beds.

Further Info

Do I need to attend both Instructor and Manager Training?

If you are new to UAC: You will need to attend both the instructor and manager training events to complete a full induction to your role and its requirements.


If you have worked in a senior role before: You only need to attend a manager training if you have not done so before, or if you have not worked for 2 years!


If you have previously worked as an instructor and are stepping up to a manager role: You only need to attend manager training, if you have already attended an instructor training event in the past, but we recommend also attending an instructor day if you have not worked in the last 2 years to ensure you are up to date on current activities and camp life in order to best support your team!


You will be given opportunity to select your preferred instructor training event on your reply form.

What to do/bring?

COMPLETE YOUR ONLINE COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT: If you have not already done so. This is accessed through your Candidate Portal.


PASSPORT and any other form of ID required for DBS checks or to prove your right to work in the UK


MOST RECENT DBS if you haven't already provided it! 


RELEVANT CERTIFICATES such as Childcare, teaching, first aid, lifeguarding, safeguarding etc. 




LUNCH Lunch break will be 30 minutes and there are not shops nearby. Bring enough food to see you through a busy day! Buffet style breakfast will be provided on the morning of Sunday training.


A POSITIVE ATTITUDE This is your chance to shine and make a name for yourself at UAC. You will be assessed throughout the day by the Operations Team

What will I be doing?

The day is filled with relaxed workshops focusing on senior requirements of the role including:

  • Managing your team
  • Host School Relations
  • Liaising with Head Office
  • Parent and Child communications
  • Health and Safety
  • And Much More…

Who will be there?

The Operations Team will be on hand to help and answer all your queries. It is also a great opportunity to meet potential colleagues and those working at sites nationwide!

Is accommodation and food provided?

Limited accommodation is available for those attending both the Saturday and Sunday training events at St. Gabriel's School, but priority is given to those traveling significant distance. The accommodation provided will be a shared (same sex) twin room, with single beds.

Need to contact us on the day?

If you need to reach us over the training weekend, or during camp, there are many ways you can do so:



Duty Mobile: 07834513111



Email: work@ultimateacivity.co.uk



(Weekdays: 9am - 5pm out of season. 8am - 6pm whilst camp is running)

Office Number: 01865582949

What if I can no longer attend?

Can’t attend training? You must contact your Recruitment Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss on 01865582949 or work@ultimateactivity.co.uk to see if alternative arrangements can be made but please note that failure to attend any required training could jeopardise your employment.